Catholic School Council meeting – Nov. 6
Our next Catholic School Council Meeting will be held in our school lab/library on November 6, 2019 at 6:30 pm. As always, all are welcome!
Our next Catholic School Council Meeting will be held in our school lab/library on November 6, 2019 at 6:30 pm. As always, all are welcome!
Please see the attachment for important information about concussions for parents and caregivers including signs and symptoms and managing concussion recovery. Thank you.
Please note that San Marco Catholic School is an Allergy Aware School. Your continued cooperation and support is much appreciated and necessary in order to keep all our students with life-threatening allergies safe. We request that lunches and snacks not contain nuts and/or nut products. Kindly review our Allergy Awareness letter sent home last month and as well, our School Allergy Awareness Plan, attached. ... Continue reading "Allergy Awareness Plan 2019-2020"
Our Annual School Terry Fox Walk will be held on Wednesday Sept. 25 (rain date Thursday Sept. 26). Thank you San Marco for your generous donations!
Ukuleke Kids Club returns to San Marco next month. Information and registration forms were sent home with grades 1-3 students. Please register online if interested before Sept. 28th.
Our LEGO Creative Lunch Club is back! Information and registration forms were sent home with grades 1-4 students. Please register online before September 24th if interested.