Year: 2019

Order Your San Marco Year Books — Coming Soon! Year Book Cover Contest begins!

Year book order forms will be sent home shortly.  All year book orders are due by May 31, 2019.  It’s also that time of year again where we are looking for your best artwork for our year book cover contest.   The winning entry will be featured as our San Marco yearbook cover.  Interested students are asked to submit their entry to the office by May ... Continue reading "Order Your San Marco Year Books — Coming Soon! Year Book Cover Contest begins!"

EARTH WEEK – April 23rd – 26th

San Marco is gearing up for Earth Week 2019.  We will be holding many activities throughout the week to educate our students about  important environmental issues including litterless lunches, Lights OUT afternoons, and Blue and Green Day.  Please see our April school newsletter for more information.

Intermediate Boys and Girls Soccer

This month our Intermediate Boys and Girls Soccer teams will be practising in preparation for their spring tournaments.  Our Girls tournament will be held on April 29th and our Boys tournament will take place on May 1st.  We wish our students all the best in their tournament preparations and thank all our coaches for their work and dedication to our San Marco sports programs. ... Continue reading "Intermediate Boys and Girls Soccer"

San Marco MUSIC, DANCE & DRAMA Clubs

Our Junior and Intermediate Drama Club meets on Thursday during lunch recess in our school library.  On Wednesdays, our Music Club meets in our Music Room on the second floor of our school.  We also continue to run our Primary (Grades 1 to 3) Dance Club on Mondays and our Junior and Intermediate Dance Club meets on Mondays and Wednesdays at lunch.  Our Junior and ... Continue reading "San Marco MUSIC, DANCE & DRAMA Clubs"