April School Newsletter
Our School Newsletter for April has been posted to our school website. Please go to Parents>Newsletters. Thank you!
Our School Newsletter for April has been posted to our school website. Please go to Parents>Newsletters. Thank you!
As you know this year’s Communion and Confirmation ceremonies were supposed to take place in April and May however, both were cancelled/postponed due to COVID-19. St. Peter’s Church now re-booked the new dates for this year’s postponed Confirmation and Communion Sacraments. Please mark your calendars with these new dates ( FOR CURRENT grade 2 and current grade 7 students): COMMUNION Date: SATURDAY, ... Continue reading "Confirmation and Communion Dates Re-booked"
Greetings Lions! Last last week our SMO classroom teachers contacted SMO families to check in and to help prepare for Distance Learning. If teachers were unable to get a hold of parents, a message was left were possible. San Marco staff have been collaborating, meeting online and working on setting up and adding to their Google Classrooms. As a school, San Marco will be using ... Continue reading "Our Distance Learning Journey"