Month: May 2021

Virtual Province Wide Mass

VIRTUAL MASS WITH His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins

An annual Catholic Education Week Mass will be celebrated virtually on Wednesday, May 5 at 11:00 a.m. EST. All students, families, school board staff, trustees, and the broader Catholic community are invited to participate “virtually” in this celebration of the Eucharist by clicking on   ... Continue reading "Virtual Province Wide Mass"

Catholic Education Week 2021: Nurturing Hope

Catholic Education Week begins on May 2, 2021.  The theme for this year is “Nurturing Hope”. Each day we have a different theme to celebrate which focusses on Hope:  Preparing the Earth, Sowing Seeds of Gratitude, Cultivating Relationships, Harvesting New Fruits and Marveling in Wonder.  Staff will be talking about our CEW themes throughout the week and as well, ... Continue reading "Catholic Education Week 2021: Nurturing Hope"

May Newsletter

Our May 2021 school newsletter is posted to our school website.  Please see Menu>Parents>Newsletters.   Thank you.