Important Reminder – Kiss N Ride Safety & Student Safety Protocols

Dear Parents & Guardians,

With the extra snowfall, it is more important than ever to follow our Kiss N Ride procedures to ensure the safety of all students. Large snowbanks are reducing visibility, and parking spots are limited. We need everyone’s cooperation to keep drop-off and pick-up safe and efficient.


A few key reminders:

✅ Enter and exit only on the appropriate sides – Please follow the designated entry and exit points to keep traffic flowing safely.
✅ Follow the designated Kiss N Ride procedures – Do not park or exit your vehicle in the Kiss N Ride lane.
✅ Use the crosswalk – If your child walks home, please remind them to always cross at the crosswalk.
✅ Be patient & follow traffic flow – We understand that this is a busy time of day, but cutting corners or stopping in undesignated areas puts students at risk.

To help clarify expectations, please refer to the attached map outlining proper Kiss N Ride procedures.

All classroom teachers will be reviewing the crosswalk expectations with students to reinforce safe practices. While we all want to minimize our walk and wait times, we must work together to prioritize student safety above all else.

Thank you for doing your part to keep our school community safe.

Mr. Marchesini
Principal, San Marco CES