Shrove Tuesday Pancake Celebration – March 4th

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Celebration – March 4th

On Tuesday, March 4th, we will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday, a special day of reflection and preparation as we begin the Lenten season. Traditionally, Shrove Tuesday is a time to enjoy a feast before the fasting and spiritual renewal of Lent. To honor this tradition, our San Marco Catholic School Council has generously volunteered to prepare and serve pancakes for all students!

A permission form was sent home with students on February 25th. If you would like your child to participate and enjoy pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, please sign and return the form no later than February 28th.

For your reference, the ingredient list and nutritional information for the pancakes can be found as part of the attached permission form.

We are grateful to our School Council for their generosity and for bringing our school community together in faith and fellowship.

Thank you for your support, and may this Lenten season bring blessings to your family.