Category: General

Orange Shirt Day – Sept. 30, 2021

On Thurs. Sept. 30, 2021 we will celebrate Orange Shirt Day – Every Child Matters.

On this day we recognize Canada’s Indigenous people, children and families impacted by Canada’s Indian Residential Schools.  As Catholics we focus on reconciliation.  This day marks our commitment in acknowledging that these wrongs should never happen again to anyone and that every child matters. ... Continue reading "Orange Shirt Day – Sept. 30, 2021"

Dress Code Information

San Marco is a Dress Code School.   We appreciate your support in encouraging your child(ren) to be in full dress code while at school.  The SDC is a code and not a uniform.  It is a choice of designated colours and styles that can be purchased at any cost.  Please note, the SDC does not apply to footwear, outerwear and gym apparel.  The ... Continue reading "Dress Code Information"

Traffic Safety

Good afternoon,

Please read the attached letter regarding important information about traffic safety, our bus loop and drop off zone and end of day/dismissal and morning drop off routines.  Thank you for your continued cooperation in keeping all our children safe.

Traffic Safety

Pediculosis Information

The York Catholic District School Board recognizes concerns related to pediculosis (head lice) at the school and community level.  Pediculosis (head lice) are not a public hazard, as they do no cause illness, but they are a nuisance.  To prevent pediculosis (head lice) from becoming a problem at our school we all need to work together.

Please check your child’s head on a ... Continue reading "Pediculosis Information"