Category: General

Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Our Ash Wednesday School Liturgy will be held on Wednesday, February 14th at 9:30 am in our school gymnasium.  Please join us together with Father Joshua from St. Peter’s Church as we gather together in prayer as a school community.

CSC Pancake /Shrove Tuesday!

Our San Marco Catholic School Council is once again organizing our school Pancake Tuesday event.  Pancake Tuesday will be held on Tuesday, February 13th.  A letter containing a list of ingredients was sent to parents via email.  Students will have the opportunity to enjoy a hot pancake treat (snack) with their classmates.  Many thanks to our amazing Catholic School Council and parent volunteers for organizing ... Continue reading "CSC Pancake /Shrove Tuesday!"

Junior DANCE Club

Our Junior Dance Club is back at San Marco CES!  The Junior Dance Club is open to Grades 4, 5 and 6 students.  The Club meets every Tuesday during our lunch recess.  Students will enjoy the opportunity to express themselves creatively through dance as they work as a team to create unique dances.

LEGO Clubs

Our LEGO Clubs are back at San Marco CES!  Our LEGO Clubs meet during lunch recess in our school library.  Our Grade 1 LEGO Club meets every Thursday together with our Grade 1 Play Doh Club, our Grades 4 & 5 LEGO Club meets every Monday and our Grade  & 3 LEGO Club meets every Tuesday.   Students are enjoying these collaborative and creative building experiences.  ... Continue reading "LEGO Clubs"

SMO Arts & Crafts Club

Our SMO Arts & Crafts Club meets every Thursday for Grades 2 to 6.  The drop in club meets during lunch recess.   Students will have an opportunity to hone their creative skills and work with a variety of materials every week.  We hope the students enjoy this creative experience!