September Newsletter
Our school newsletters will be posted to our website monthly. Please click on the link for our September Newsletter. Newsletters are also posted under our “Parents” tab.
Our school newsletters will be posted to our website monthly. Please click on the link for our September Newsletter. Newsletters are also posted under our “Parents” tab.
Please click on the link to review Concussion Guidelines for Parents and Caregivers. Thank you.
Our Grade 8 Graduation will be held on Monday, June 26, 2017. The celebration will be held at DaVinci Banquet Hall beginning at 5 PM. Graduates, families and guests are asked to arrive no later than 5 PM. See you then.
In honour of Canada’s sesquicentennial, San Marco will have a Canada 150 Day on Friday, June 9, 2017. Students are invited to wear RED and WHITE and Canada Day accessories on June 9th.
We will have a special school assembly at 9:30 am and all students will receive a Canada Flag and a peanut-free Canada Day Cookie to enjoy.
Happy ... Continue reading "Canada 150 Day at San Marco – June 9th"
♦ On Tuesday, April 18th, San Marco will be holding special presentations for all our primary students on Bike Safety. Students will explore and discuss how to stay safe while riding their bicycles.
Students in Grade 3 & 6 will be participating in the provincial Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics between May 23 – June 5. In six one hour sessions, students will complete a variety of activities to demonstrate their knowledge in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics. Letters with additional information have been sent home with all grades 3 and 6 students. For more ... Continue reading "EQAO Grades 3 and 6"