San Marco Glee Club
The San Marco GLEE Club continues to meet weekly during recesses for Grades 4 to 8. They are working hard on their entertainment acts that they will proudly showcase at ARTS ALIVE night on May 3rd. See you all there!
The San Marco GLEE Club continues to meet weekly during recesses for Grades 4 to 8. They are working hard on their entertainment acts that they will proudly showcase at ARTS ALIVE night on May 3rd. See you all there!
This month our Intermediate Girls and Boys Soccer teams continue to practise honing their soccer skills. The students practise weekly in preparation for their spring tournaments. The Girls tournament will be held Monday, April 24th. The Boys tournament will be on Wednesday, April 26th. GO LIONS GO!!
Our Rosary Club continues to meet weekly in our school Chapel. Announcements are made inviting and encouraging all students to participate.
A reminder to please note the following important dates regarding First Holy Communion and Reconciliation:
Attached, please find our school newsletter for the month of March 2017 for your review.
This is a reminder that our next Catholic School Council meeting will be held in our school library on Monday, February 27, 2017 at 6:30 pm. As always, all are welcome.