Category: General

Luke 4:18 Share the Warmth of Christmas Giving Tree

Tis’ the season for giving with our hearts! On behalf of the Luke 4:18 Committee, we would like to invite you to participate in our “Share the Warmth of Christmas Giving Tree Campaign” by donating new hats, mittens, scarves and other winter items and/or gift cards for the needy in our communities. These items will be placed by our Giving Tree in our school foyer ... Continue reading "Luke 4:18 Share the Warmth of Christmas Giving Tree"

Introducing…The Junior Computer Coding Club at San Marco!

We will be introducing a new Computer Coding Club for our grades 4, 5 and 6 students at San Marco. Students will be introduced to the coding program called SCRATCH 2. The club will meet on Tuesdays during lunch recess from 12:20 to 1:00 pm in our computer lab. Students will have an opportunity to learn basic coding language and ... Continue reading "Introducing…The Junior Computer Coding Club at San Marco!"

Grade 1 Play Doh Club

We are pleased to offer a Play Doh Activities Club for our Grade 1 students, beginning in December of 2016. The club will run on Thursdays during lunch recess from 12:20- 1:00 in the grade 1 classroom. The club will encourage students to build positive relationships with each other, play respectfully and fairly with their peers and foster collaboration. Permission forms will be sent home ... Continue reading "Grade 1 Play Doh Club"