September Newsletter
Good evening,
Please see the attached document for our September school newsletter. Have a wonderful evening.
Good evening,
Please see the attached document for our September school newsletter. Have a wonderful evening.
Good evening,
Say “Cheese” and mark your calendars: PICTURE DAY for JK to Grade 8 will be Wednesday, September 21, 2016. Students DO NOT have to wear dress code attire.
Thank you!
Good evening,
Please note that in keeping with our San Marco school tradition, tomorrow, Friday, September 9th will be a free civvies day for our students. Students may come dressed in appropriate civvies attire if they wish. Have a wonderful evening!
Good evening Parents/Guardians,
Please review the attached documents which contain information on our Catholic School Council (CSC), nomination and voting procedures for those interested in serving on the San Marco CSC as well as nomination forms. Our Catholic School Council meeting and elections will be held on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 AT 6:30 AT SAN MARCO CES. All nomination forms are due on ... Continue reading "CSC MEETING AND ELECTIONS – MONDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 at 6:30PM"
Good evening.
Please join us for our Open House / Curriculum Night on Wednesday, September 21st, 2016 from 6:30pm – 7:30pm held in your child’s classroom.
This evening will give parents and guardians an opportunity to visit classrooms and meet teachers. Teachers will relay information about classroom routines, curriculum and expectations. We hope to see you there.
Good evening Parents/Guardians,
We are pleased to announce that Officer Passarelli will be visiting our grades 3, 6, 7 and 8 students this month to speak about a range safety topics. Officer Passarelli works with our students to discuss positive choices, community awareness and safety. A letter will be sent home explaining the program in greater detail. We look forward to Officer Passarelli’s ... Continue reading "VIP – VALUES, INFLUENCES AND PEERS PROGRAM"