
Bell Let’s Talk Day 2022: Supporting ourselves and each other

The York Catholic District School Board is preparing to mark Bell Let’s Talk Day on...

Kindergarten Registration for September 2022 is Now Open

Starting Kindergarten is an exciting time in a young child’s life, filled with new experiences...

Christmas Spirit Week Coming – December 13 – 17th, 2021

Our annual Christmas Spirit Week is back again!  This year, Christmas Spirit Week will take...

Catholic School Council Meeting

Our next Catholic School Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 8th, 2021.  The meeting...

Confirmation 2022 Registration and Information Evenings

A reminder that Confirmation Registration and Information Evenings will be held at the Church at...

YCDSB Elects Elizabeth Crowe as Chair of the Board of Trustees

Maria Marchese elected as the Vice-Chair at the Board’s Inaugural Meeting Wednesday night...