

Our annual Halloween dance-a-thon school fundraiser is fast approaching.   Our dance-a-thon will be held...

October School Newsletter

Good evening Parents/Guardians, Attached please find our October School Newsletter for your review. 2 October 2017...

Intermediate Overnight Excursion – Parent Information Meeting

Good evening Parents/Guardians, There will be a Parent Information session regarding the proposed Intermediate Overnight...

BRICKS FOR KIDS Lunch Program – Grades 1 & 2

Good evening.   Please see the attached flyer for information on our upcoming Bricks For Kids...

OAPCE 78th Annual Conference

Good afternoon, Kindly review the attached flyer regarding the upcoming OAPCE Annual Conference to be...

High School Information Night For Parents / Guardians of Grade 8 students

Our York Catholic High Schools are looking forward to welcoming Grade 8 students to their...