School Terry Fox WALK
Our annual school Terry Fox WALK will take place on Wed. Sept. 19 (rain date Friday, September 21). Pledge forms went home with your child. Thank you in advance for supporting our school Terry Fox Walk.
Our annual school Terry Fox WALK will take place on Wed. Sept. 19 (rain date Friday, September 21). Pledge forms went home with your child. Thank you in advance for supporting our school Terry Fox Walk.
We will hold our first Catholic School Council Meeting and elections on Thursday, September 20, 2018. As always, all are welcome.
Attached please find our school newsletter for September, 2018.
Good afternoon San Marco,
Welcome back to San Marco Catholic School! We hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing summer. The first day of school is Tuesday, September 4th. Supervision begins at 8:35 am. All Kindergarten students are asked to meet in the FDK yard where they will be met by our Kindergarten teachers and ECE’s. Students in grades 1-8 are ... Continue reading "Welcome Back! – First Day Procedures"
Please click on the attached link for our school newsletter for the month of June. Thank you.
Please join us for a special Living Rosary Celebration with the Knights of Columbus. The Living Rosary will be held in our school gymnasium on May 11, 2018 at 10:45 am. As always, all are welcome. We hope you can join us!