
News Stories


Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week at San Marco begins Monday, November 20th and we have many activities planned for our students including:  “Friendship Bracelets: What Kind of Friend Are You?” activity on Monday,  anti-bullying presentations and workshops by DRUMS ALIVE entitled “UBUNTU:  I Am You” on Tuesday,  Random Acts of Kindness Day on  Thursday and an anti-bullying poster design contest!  We are all looking forward ... Continue reading "BULLYING AWARENESS AND PREVENTION WEEK AT SMO!"

JUMP 2 MATH Family Learning Night

Please join us for our Jump 2 Math Night on Wednesday, November 8th from 6:00-8:00 pm for a fun filled evening of hands-on, active math learning.  Our students are looking forward to participating in a wide range of activities such as Slide Sum It, Shapes n’ Ladders, Hop 1-2-3, Pirate Count, Math Bowling, and much more!  Our Math wizards will be there giving out prizes ... Continue reading "JUMP 2 MATH Family Learning Night"

Halloween Reminders

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As we approach Halloween and our school’s annual Halloween Dance-A-Thon on Tuesday, October 31, we would like to share a few reminders around the school’s expectations for this day. Students are welcome and encouraged to wear an appropriate costume as a show of their school spirit. When selecting a costume, students are not to wear a mask  nor carry any weapon ... Continue reading "Halloween Reminders"