SCHOOL PHOTO DAY – September 20th, 2017
Our School Photo/Picture Day will be on Wednesday, September 20, 2017. Please note that Dress Code is optional this day. Thank you.
Our School Photo/Picture Day will be on Wednesday, September 20, 2017. Please note that Dress Code is optional this day. Thank you.
A reminder that ALL Hot Lunch forms are due to the school by no later than Tuesday, September 19th, 2017. No late orders will be accepted. Thank you.
Once again, the students and staff of San Marco C.S. will participate in our Terry Fox Walk for Cancer Research on Thursday, September 21, 2017 (inclement weather day will be Friday, September 22, 2017). Please return all permission forms and pledges by Tuesday, September 19th. We thank you in advance for all donations made in support of our school walk.
Our school newsletters will be posted to our website monthly. Please click on the link for our September Newsletter. Newsletters are also posted under our “Parents” tab.
Please click on the link to review Concussion Guidelines for Parents and Caregivers. Thank you.
Our Grade 8 Graduation will be held on Monday, June 26, 2017. The celebration will be held at DaVinci Banquet Hall beginning at 5 PM. Graduates, families and guests are asked to arrive no later than 5 PM. See you then.