
News Stories


Please note the following regarding Hot Lunch and Snow Days: If the school remains open on snow days, our providers will continue to deliver hot lunch when the buses are cancelled. However, In the event of a school closure we will re-schedule the lunch at a future date. Any changes to hot lunch programs will be communicated through Twitter @SanMarcoCES and on our school website ... Continue reading "HOT LUNCH AND SNOW DAYS"

Luke 4:18 Share the Warmth of Christmas Giving Tree

Tis’ the season for giving with our hearts! On behalf of the Luke 4:18 Committee, we would like to invite you to participate in our “Share the Warmth of Christmas Giving Tree Campaign” by donating new hats, mittens, scarves and other winter items and/or gift cards for the needy in our communities. These items will be placed by our Giving Tree in our school foyer ... Continue reading "Luke 4:18 Share the Warmth of Christmas Giving Tree"