DRESS PURPLE DAY – March 26, 2020
On March 26, 2020 we invite all students and staff to DRESS in PURPLE in...
Junior and Intermediate Dance Clubs
Our Junior and Intermediate Dance Clubs continue to meet every Friday during lunch recess. We...
Inclement Weather Day and Reminders (Hot Lunch)
Good afternoon, A reminder that on inclement weather days when school buses and transportation have...
Rescheduled Events and Hot Lunch due to last week’s inclement weather days
Good afternoon, Please note the following: Monday, March 2: Grade 8 Graduation Photos are rescheduled...
March Newsletter Now Posted
Good afternoon, Our school newsletter for March 2020 is now posted on our school website ...
Grade 8 GRAD Photos – Feb. 27th
A reminder that our Grade 8 Graduation Photos will take place on Thursday, February 27th...